Focus on Christ This Christmas

The Christmas season is supposed to be the most wonderful time of the year, but often, it just becomes the most hectic.

This Advent Guide will equip you to keep Christ in the center of Christmas with meaningful devotions and simple activities for the whole family.

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    Focus on Christ

    Retell the Christmas story to your family in an engaging and memorable way with carefully selected and sequenced Scripture readings. A short devotional and prayer are included each week to expand on and personalize the Bible.

    Share Ideas

    Engaging questions and prompts are provided to launch your family into meaningful discussions about the Bible, celebrating Christmas, and what it means to imitate Christ in daily life. The topics can be scaled for all age groups.

    Create Memories

    Choose from suggested activities and service projects each week to make memories as a family and serve Christ together by serving your community. Teach your children through action that it is a greater blessing to give than to receive.